Late-Night Icon David Letterman Stuns in Surprise ‘Colbert’ Comeback – Must-See Moments Revealed!

Monday night’s episode of “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert” highlighted a visitor who required no presentation: previous host David Letterman.

Letterman facilitated the show for more than 20 years, from 1993 to 2015. His appearance was his most memorable time he had gotten back to the Ed Sullivan Theater, where the show is shot, since his retirement a long time back.

The crowd welcomed Letterman with a warm greeting and commendation as he plunked down as a visitor with Colbert. Indeed, even after he sat down, the group kept on reciting his name.

“Stephen, control your kin!” Letterman kidded. “This is the most energetic crowd I have been close since the night I reported I was stopping.”

The comic said it was a “joy to be back” and that bounty has switched up the theater since he left.

“It resembles a shopping center! It’s amazing. It resembles Rodeo Drive,” he said, referring to the well known Beverly Slopes, California, shopping road and adding that his changing area was more pleasant than any inn he’d at any point remained in. “Fine people, this is the TV of the future….I believe it’s wonderful.”

Letterman, who facilitated north of 4,000 episodes of “The Late Show,” said he misses “everything” about facilitating.

“Not very many things in life give one the opportunity…If you refuse one up, you get to attempt once more, and that is a very decent gadget,” Letterman said. “That was perfect. That made it increasingly fun. And afterward when you accomplish something that you’re truly glad for, you think, ‘My God, how about we rehash that.’ And six or after seven years, you have that experience again.”

Letterman has showed up on various late-night shows since his retirement, however as he told “CBS Sunday Morning” in 2015, he didn’t know whether his way could at any point lead back to “The Late Show” and its home.

“I don’t think I’ll at any point be back in this building once more, truly,” Letterman said at that point. “I figure it would be excessively challenging for me.”

On Monday night, however, he got back to the most natural piece of the theater. Colbert welcomed Letterman behind the host’s work area so the two could reproduce a selfie they took in 2014.

“In my day, I never would’ve allowed this to occur,” Letterman kidded. “We do this on the grounds that my child doesn’t completely accept that I had a show.”

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