50 Cent Spills the Tea: Lil Kim Gets the ‘Magic Stick’ Makeover After Trina’s Twist – Exclusive Revelations Inside!

50 Penny has uncovered that he initially planned to have Trina go along with him on one of his hit records however wound up giving the help to Lil Kim all things being equal.

Apple Music found 50 while behind the stage at a new London show on The Last Lap Visit where he drilled down into getting Kim to supplant the Jewel Princess on 2003’s “Sorcery Stick” after the last option “screwed up the record.”

“Get Rich, it was 20 melodies. I had no space for ‘Sorcery Stick,’ which was composed for Get Rich or Pass on Tryin’ yet it didn’t make it,” he made sense of. “I set up that account to work with Trina purposefully. I sent it to Trina and they screwed up the record.

“I was like, ‘Yo.’ The verses and everything was screwed up. Well Roberson heard the record and came and got it from me. He was like, ‘Yo, I really want this for Kim. I want it.'”

50 proceeded: “She had made a decent record yet it didn’t have the recipe that Big deal made for her to have progress in our way of life. It didn’t have the sexuality. It was like, ‘I’ve been away briefly now I’m back… .’ The record with her and Mr. Cheeks… However ‘Wizardry Stick’ was right on the money for her.”
The Fantom of the Beat-delivered “Enchantment Stick” showed up in April 2003 subsequent to being left on the Get Rich cutting room floor, filling in as Kim’s second single from La Bella Mafia.

The ignoble song of praise appeared at No. 75 on the Hot 100 and climbed as far as possible up to No. 2 yet was shut out by JAY-Z and Bey’s “Insane In Affection.”

Somewhere else in the meeting, that’s what 50 conceded “Numerous Men” was really his most un-most loved GRODT tune at the time his 2003 presentation showed up.

“‘Numerous Men’ was my most un-number one by then in light of the fact that artistically we was in the blast bap stage,” he said. “We was in that hard-hitting force, the energy on the records, and it’s the slowest tune on Get Rich or Kick the bucket Tryin’. What’s more, it’s currently the beat that the craftsmen are rapping to. So the quick rhythm, hard-hitting beats, that was that period, that time span. Furthermore, the entire collection had it.”
Be that as it may, the tune’s maker, Six Figga Digga, has since disproved 50’s articulation in a meeting with TMZ.

“As I would see it, that was the point,” he said. “Assuming you got a track like that, alongside different tracks that Dr. Dre did, then it won’t sound the equivalent since I’m not Dr. Dre.

“Likewise, when it was finished, it was an alternate mood, an alternate perspective, so while you’re attempting to mix those two things together, I can see that.”

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