Top Republican in Arizona resigns over tape offer to Kari Lake that was leaked

Due to a tape that was leaked and appears to show him attempting to persuade a Senate candidate to drop out of the race, the chairman of the Republican party in Arizona resigned.


Kari Lake is asked on the recording by Jeff DeWit whether there is “any number” that would cause her to “pause” politically because “very powerful people” want her out.


He claimed in his resignation letter that Ms. Lake had released a “selectively edited” tape and denied any bribery.


Ms. Lake came very close to losing the Arizona governor’s race in 2022.


Now vying for the seat held by independent Senator Kyrsten Sinema is the right-wing firebrand and Trump ally.

Republicans in Arizona have long been concerned that Ms. Lake’s aggressive political approach would alienate centrist voters and cause her to lose the race, possibly ending their chances of controlling the Senate.


Ten months prior, during a meeting at her home, Mr. DeWit informs Ms. Lake that there are “very powerful people that want to keep you out” on the tape.


He says they are “back East,” but he doesn’t give their names.


He says, “I’ll tell you what I’m offering you,” implying that she might be hired by a business in return for a two-year “pause.”


He begs her time and again to keep their conversation private.


He asks, “Is there a number at which…” but Ms. Lake cuts him off.


“I could be purchased? No,” she responds.

She disagrees with Mr. DeWit’s assertion that he doubts Mr. Trump will win the presidency due to problems with state fundraising.


She contends, “I think that’s a bad, bad thing for our country. This is about defeating Trump.”

Ms. Lake, who had demanded that Mr. DeWit step down following the release of the tape, was happy to see him go.


She wrote on X on Wednesday, saying, “We want ethical leaders.” “It’s time to eradicate corruption at every level, within and beyond our party.”


Former state treasurer Mr. DeWit served on Mr. Trump’s 2016 and 2020 campaigns.


He said that he had received an ultimatum from Ms. Lake’s team on Wednesday and that he needed to “resign or face the release of a new, more damaging recording.”


He claimed that Ms. Lake “has been on a mission to destroy me” ever since their conversation.

“My discussions were transparent and meant to provide perspective, not coercion, in contrast to accusations of bribery,” the man claims.


This month, Mr. DeWit is not the only Republican state party leader to step down.


Following accusations of sexual assault, party members voted to remove Florida’s chairman.


Although Christian Ziegler was exonerated of rape by police last week, he may still be charged with voyeurism.


Republicans in Michigan decided to remove party chair Kristina Karamo over disagreements over fundraising and internal strife.





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