With a straightforward inquiry regarding the razor wire argument, Peter Doocy leaves John Kirby perplexed and wondering, “So now what?”

When Fox News journalist Peter Doocy questioned White House spokesperson John Kirby on Tuesday about the border crisis, Kirby seemed taken aback.

Razor wire deployed by Texas on the southern border to deter illegal immigration may be cut through by Border Patrol agents, the Supreme Court said in a 5-4 ruling on Monday. Although they acknowledged that the barrier was effective, the Biden administration applauded the action.

Doocy wasted no time in trying to figure out why the Biden administration is openly applauding the decision during Tuesday’s press briefing.

“Why are you guys making it easier for people to enter the country illegally?” Doocy inquired.

Kirby said that the administration is not making it simpler for migrants to enter the country illegally, looking perplexed by the question. Doocy went on to explain why he posed the query: The Biden administration made it clear that it opposed the border wall by suing Texas over the razor wire. Conversely, Kirby stated that the case was about assisting Border Patrol in carrying out their duties.

But proceed nonetheless, Kirby growled.

“So, you prevailed in court. So what happens next?” Doocy checked in again.

Kirby was speechless for a few seconds after asking that straightforward question. He was obviously unprepared with a response and appeared to be perplexed by the inquiry. After a moment of awkward silence, Doocy asked Kirby a simpler question.

“The president of the Border Patrol union claims that the ruling by the Supreme Court will ‘undoubtedly encourage more illegal immigration.’ Are your knowledge and that of the Border Patrol union superior? Doocy checked in again.

Kirby, on the other hand, was limited to responding by restating the talking point of the Biden administration: Border Patrol officers were unable to perform their duties because of the razor wire. But the administration hasn’t provided any supporting data for this assertion.

Doocy asked Kirby another simple question later in the briefing: “Does razor wire work?” However, Kirby declined to respond, blaming Republicans instead for the Biden administration’s continued incapacity to contain the migrant situation.


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