Golan Heights Rocket Strike Sparks International Concern

Jerusalem, Israel – In a devastating turn of events, a rocket strike in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights has left multiple casualties, marking a deadly escalation in the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hezbollah.

Israel Calls for NATO Action Against Turkey    y

In response to the attack, Israel’s Foreign Minister has made a bold call for NATO to expel Turkey, citing Ankara’s support for Hezbollah as a major contributor to the escalating tensions.

US Condemns Attack, Pledges Support for Israel

The United States has swiftly condemned the rocket attack, pledging unwavering support for Israel’s right to self-defense. The move has sparked hopes of a diplomatic resolution, but fears of a wider regional war persist.

Hezbollah Claims Responsibility

Hezbollah has claimed responsibility for the attack, stating it was a response to Israeli aggression. The Lebanese-based militant group has long been a thorn in the side of Israel, with tensions simmering for years.

International Leaders Urge Restraint

As the conflict escalates, international leaders are urging restraint and a return to diplomatic efforts. The situation remains volatile, with the potential for further bloodshed looming large.

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