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AI and Automation

Introduction : 

Importantly, in the present world, many companies would like to use automation since, in addition to being fast, results attained are accurate. The next step in such organizations would be merging automation with artificial intelligence.

What is Automation :

Automation is a process that involves the performance of tasks with very minimal human interference using technology. This is the implementation of systems and software to enhance the efficiency of the processes in organizations through the reduction of manual work and increasing productivity levels. Automation means the performance of tasks by machines, software programs, or robots capable of doing repetitive work, handling data, or running complex operations without requiring that a human do them.

The main purpose of automation is to:

By automating tasks that are routine and standard, organizations can free up their employees to focus on more strategic and creative work. This helps improve the overall flow of work and makes operations more

Artificial Intelligence (AI):

In the framework of the so-called artificial intelligence, machines are made to act like humans. They are taught to think and talk but not to have a real consciousness, of course.

Fundamentally, AI refers to programming machines to carry out operations that people could do only:

However, today’s AI is not as advanced as many perceive. What we have is a limited form of intelligence known as Narrow Artificial Intelligence (NAI).

Categories of AI:

Generative AI:

Generative AI is one of the subfields of Narrow AI, which aims at generating new content such as text, images, music, or videos.

AI v/s Automation:

AI and automation actually serve different purposes: while automation aims at improving regular tasks through the performance of repetitive actions at higher speed and consistency than humanly possible with predefined instructions, AI adds intelligence to machines to act in ways akin to humans by learning from them, adjusting to different data, and making decisions independently. AI is certainly a step ahead in developing sophisticated problem-solving, flexibility, and improvements in innovative productivity in many sectors.



How AI is Used in Automation?

Artificial intelligence gives machines the ability to think and execute tasks usually requiring human-like decision-making and problem-solving abilities. We will now go through the process of implementing AI for automation purposes.

Types of AI in Automation:

This can be applied in the production industry to effectively handle equipment failure, which can enable preemptive repairs that ensure less downtime and operational efficiency improvement.

RPA is a technology that automates repetitive and rule-based tasks using software robots. Enhanced with capabilities like AI, these RPA bots now have the ability to understand any complex task and execute it based on predefined rules or machine learning models. This is called intelligent process automation.

For instance, AI-powered RPA can process invoices, manage payroll, and handle data entry with minimal human intervention.

Computer Vision allows machines to interpret and understand visual information from the world. It is applied in automation for quality control, inspection, and surveillance.

 For example, AI-powered cameras can detect defects in products on a production line, ensuring high-quality output.

Speech recognition technology allows machines to understand and process human speech. 

This is used in automation for voice-activated systems, such as virtual assistants and voice-controlled devices, making interactions more natural and efficient.

Expert systems mimic the decision-making abilities of a human expert. 

In automation, they are used for tasks that require specialized knowledge, such as medical diagnosis, financial planning, and troubleshooting complex technical issues. These systems help automate decision-making processes based on predefined rules and vast knowledge bases.

IPA combines RPA with AI to automate more complex business processes. It integrates machine learning, NLP, and cognitive technologies to handle tasks that involve unstructured data and require understanding, learning, and adaptation. 

For example, IPA can automate end-to-end processes like customer onboarding, compliance checks, and claims processing.

Predictive analytics uses AI to analyze current and historical data to make predictions about future events. In automation, it is used for forecasting demand, predicting customer behavior, and optimizing supply chains.

 This helps businesses make data-driven decisions and improve operational efficiency.

Recommendation systems use AI to suggest products, services, or content based on user preferences and behavior. 

In automation, they are widely used in e-commerce, streaming services, and online advertising to personalize user experiences and increase engagement.

Autonomous vehicles use AI to navigate and operate without human intervention. In automation, this technology is applied in self-driving cars, drones, and automated guided vehicles (AGVs) in warehouses. 

These vehicles can optimize routes, avoid obstacles, and operate efficiently in various environments.

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