Although Haley’s grassroots fundraising is booming, a wealthy liberal contributor is seeking to see a “path to victory.”

Nikki Haley’s funding has been suspended by billionaire LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman following her defeat by Donald Trump in the New Hampshire GOP primary.

Nikki Haley is benefiting from a rise in small-scale, neighborhood fundraising.

Though political analysts saw her 11-point defeat to former President Donald Trump in the New Hampshire primary as her best chance to impede Trump’s pursuit of the GOP nomination, liberal megadonor and LinkedIn cofounder Reid Hoffman seems to be among the first affluent donors who is reportedly making an exit.

Before giving any more money to Haley, a “new potential path to victory” would need to emerge, a top adviser to the megadonor told Fox News.

The former two-term governor of South Carolina, who later served as Trump’s U.N. ambassador, raised $1 million in online grassroots contributions just one day after finishing second to Trump in the Republican primary in New Hampshire on Tuesday.

Haley made an additional $1 million when she responded on social media to a threat from Trump to GOP contributors to cease supporting his biggest competitor for the 2024 Republican nomination. This was first revealed by Fox News on Thursday. A few hours later, the campaign announced that $2.6 million had been raised in under 48 hours.

This weekend, Haley is doing campaign events in her home state. The state’s biggest primary is scheduled on February 24 on the Republican nominating calendar.

Haley gains cash for her campaign as Trump threatens the top donors.

In an effort to boost her campaign funds, she will then travel to New York City early next week to meet with a few influential Republican contributors.

Fox News was informed by political insiders that Haley still plans to attend a fundraiser on Tuesday that will be co-hosted by billionaires Leonard Stern, Cliff Asness, Stanley Druckenmiller, Ken Langone, and Henry Kravis.


Haley has about ten fundraisers with major Republican contributors scheduled for the upcoming weeks.

Though she still has one more day to live, Haley faces a “challenging” road ahead.

Hoffman, a staunch backer of President Biden who gave the Biden Victory Fund more than $750,000 last year, contributed a quarter of a million dollars to the Haley-aligned super PAC SFA Fund, Inc. last month.

Hoffman’s political philanthropy consultant Dmitri Mehlhorn said Fox News, “We saw that Governor Haley’s performance in New Hampshire might give her a path to defeating Donald Trump, so we made an investment in her prior to the primaries.”

Mehlhorn stated that “it is still possible that Governor Haley will be able to persuade voters that Trump is no longer stable and cannot carry their banner into the fall campaign” now that the New Hampshire primary has passed.


He did say that “before recommending another investment at this later stage in the process, however, I would need to see a new potential path to victory given that she did not win New Hampshire.”

“The only way I can see a path happening is if Trump has a ‘senior moment,’ and she’s able to exploit it to persuade GOP voters that he’s lost it,” Mehlhorn said.

Hoffman has been an outspoken opponent of the outgoing president for a long time. Mehlhorn stated that “if it becomes clear that the GOP has decided to nominate Trump, we have no choice but to turn our attention to defeating Trump in the general election.”

Since Hoffman’s donation to Haley’s super PAC made headlines in early December, Trump and his friends have attacked Haley on numerous occasions.

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