Dramatic Turn of Events in Ukraine War – Russian Media Backtracks on Retreat Claims as Intense Shelling Rocks Avdiivka! Live Updates Uncover the Unfolding Crisis

Two Russian state news organizations distributed alarms on Monday saying Moscow was moving soldiers to “better positions” east of the Dnipro Stream in Ukraine, just to pull out the data minutes after the fact.

The profoundly uncommon occurrence proposed chaos in Russia’s tactical foundation and state media over how to report the front line circumstance in southern Ukraine.

Elsewhere in the world, Ukraine’s Leader Volodymyr Zelenskyy said the nation should prepare itself for additional assaults on public framework as winter draws near.
“We are close to part of the way through November and we should be ready for the likelihood that the adversary might build the quantity of robot or rocket strikes against our framework,” Zelenskyy said in his daily location Sunday.

Russia pulverize Ukrainian energy framework the previous winter, coming down on a large part of the regular citizen populace by denying them of warming and power. The Kyiv School of Financial matters assessed last January that harm to the country’s energy area had proactively added up to $6.8 billion.

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