High-Stakes Countdown: Israeli Intelligence Reveals Urgent Mission with a Two-Hour Deadline

The call to Mahmoud Shaheen came at first light.

It was Thursday 19 October at around 06:30, and Israel had been besieging Gaza for 12 days in a row.

He’d been in his third-floor, three-room level in al-Zahra, a working class region in the north of the Gaza Strip. Up to this point, it had been generally immaculate via air strikes.

He’d heard a rising racket outside. Individuals were shouting. “You really want to get away,” someone in the road yelled, “in light of the fact that they will bomb the pinnacles”.

As he left his structure and went across the street, searching for a protected spot, his telephone illuminated.

It was a call from a confidential number.

“I’m talking with you from Israeli knowledge,” a man said down the line, as indicated by Mahmoud.

That call would endure over 60 minutes – and it would be the most alarming call of his life.

‘We will bomb three pinnacles’

The voice tended to Mahmoud by his complete name and talked in perfect Arabic.

“He let me know he needed to bomb three pinnacles… and requested me to empty the encompassing region.”

Mahmoud’s pinnacle was not straightforwardly under danger – yet he was abruptly liable for emptying many individuals. “I had the existences of individuals in my grasp,” he says.

He accumulated his considerations and told the man, who recognized himself as Abu Khaled, not to hang up the telephone.

As a 40-year-old dental specialist, Mahmoud says he has no clue about why he was picked for this undertaking. Yet, that day, he did all that he could to guard his local area.

Coordinated by the voices of outsiders, who generally appeared to know how to contact him in any event, when his battery ran out, he argued for the bombarding to stop and shouted until his throat hurt for individuals to take off.

He drove a mass departure of his neighbors – and afterward watched his area detonate before his eyes.

Phoned out of the blue, Mahmoud Shaheen led a mass evacuation of his neighbours

During this contention, the Israeli military has called Gazans in some cases to caution them in front of air strikes – Mahmoud’s record gives a knowledge into one such call in a phenomenal degree of detail.

The BBC reached Mahmoud after various al-Zahra inhabitants distinguished him as the one who got the admonition call.

We can’t autonomously confirm the items in the call, which he described around three weeks after the occasion. The subtleties, nonetheless, match those on a local area Facebook bunch from the day as well as satellite pictures when the besieging.

We realize that day a huge number of individuals were left destitute as the Israeli armed force bombarded something like 25 private blocks lodging many condos, obliterating a whole area. These individuals had to escape with what not many assets they could take, and were ultimately scattered across Gaza.

The IDF says it strikes military targets and these activities are liable to the “applicable arrangements of worldwide regulation”.


‘Shoot an admonition shot to demonstrate this is genuine’

Mahmoud couldn’t really accept that it when the man started talking, he reviews.

Individuals around him cautioned that the call might be phony. Since the conflict had started, messages had been circling locally Facebook bunch cautioning of fabrication calls and offering tips on recognizing genuine Israeli clearing orders.

Mahmoud asked the voice on the telephone to discharge an advance notice shot to demonstrate this was genuine. On the off chance that those actually dozing didn’t hear the shouts from the roads then they would hear the shot, he thought.

An admonition shot apparently from no place, yet maybe from a robot, hit one of the loft blocks under danger, he says.

“I requested that he ‘shoot one more admonition shot before you bomb’,” Mahmoud says. One more rang out.

Now that Mahmoud realized it was genuine he attempted to slow down, requesting that the man show restraint. “I told him: ‘Don’t sell out us and bomb while individuals are as yet emptying.'”

The man said he would give Mahmoud time – he said he didn’t believe that anybody should pass on, the dental specialist reviews.

Mahmoud answered that he didn’t maintain that anybody should try and be harmed.

He pushed the call along as he surged around the area, encouraging individuals to empty. One neighbor recalls the dental specialist “simply yelling”, then others participated.

“I would have rather not known that there’s somebody I might have saved and I didn’t,” Mahmoud says.

Many individuals filled the roads that morning. Inhabitants of this normally quiet city were shouting and running, some of them wearing their night robe or petitioning God garments.

The region – only north of the Watercourse Gaza stream, a point that Israel has been requesting regular folks to move south of since the beginning of the conflict – was comprised of present day blocks of pads as well as shops, bistros, colleges, schools, and stops. It was in these parks that individuals started to assemble.

Mahmoud couldn’t comprehend the reason why his area had turned into an objective. “I made an honest effort to stop him. I asked, ‘For what reason would you like to bomb?’

“He said, ‘There are a few things that we see that you don’t have any idea.'”

The man didn’t make sense of what he implied.

“It is a request from individuals greater than me and you, and we have a request to bomb,” the voice added, as per Mahmoud.

At the point when the regions around the structures were clear the man informed Mahmoud that the bombarding would start.

Mahmoud overreacted – imagine a scenario in which they besieged some unacceptable structure unintentionally. “Stand by a little,” the man told him, he says.

An Israeli airplane flying above.

Mahmoud gazed at the three pinnacles that neighboured his own loft block. Then, at that point, one of them was besieged.

“This is our desired pinnacle, remain away,” the man on the telephone said as the structure fell, as per Mahmoud.

The two different blocks were then annihilated.

Pictures taken in al-Zahra that morning show rubble in the spot of those three loft blocks, while a video shows occupants meandering around in shock and bewilderment as they view the prompt consequence of the strikes. A post on the local area Facebook bunch at 08:28 neighborhood time says three pinnacles had been “cleared out totally”.


While the besieging halted, Mahmoud recollects the voice telling him: “We’ve gotten done… you can return.”

Mahmoud didn’t see what he had recently seen. He had lived in this Gaza neighborhood for a very long time, running a bustling dental practice and raising his youngsters there.

“I let him know al-Zahra is a non military personnel region. Nobody is a more odd here… I attempted to make him comprehend. It’s anything but a line region, we have not had past conflicts. It was generally a region beyond inconvenience,” he says.

A post that morning on the local area Facebook bunch encouraged neighbors to offer beds, food and water to those made destitute.

Individuals looked for asylum or spots to escape to. Nearby specialists began cleaning the flotsam and jetsam off of the streets, and extinguishing fires in the rubble.

Those whose homes stayed in one piece returned. Certain individuals felt a conviction that all is good.

“We returned [home], once more, figuring they won’t bomb,” one told us.


A missed call from a confidential number

Sometime thereafter, Mahmoud had recently completed his Isha, or evening time petitions, at his level when he saw a missed call from a confidential number on his telephone.

His heart sank. “Quickly I comprehended there would be a clearing and bombarding, however I didn’t have the foggiest idea what the objective would be. I figured it very well may be my home, it very well may be the home close to me,” he says.

Once more, his telephone before long rang. An alternate man was on the line.

The voice said they had acknowledged Mahmoud was a “shrewd man” after the occasions of that morning, which is the reason they were calling him once more.

The man presented himself as Daoud.

Mahmoud was frightened by the degree of detail the man had about his life – by the natural way the man addressed him and alluded to his child’s name.

As per Mahmoud’s record, this man then, at that point, made an endeavor to make sense of what was going on in Gaza.

“He began telling me: ‘Did you perceive how they [Hamas] butchered those kids with blades?’…

“I let him know that as per our Islamic religion, this is taboo,” Mahmoud reviews.

He encouraged the voice against “mass discipline”, however Mahmoud realized it was miserable.

Mahmoud says the man let him know more structures would be obliterated that evening, and the dental specialist would have to arrange his neighbors to empty indeed.

From the start, he was informed the objectives were two structures close to the three that had been obliterated that morning, as well as a second block of pinnacles.

“He shared with me, ‘We believe you should illuminate individuals to clear the region,’ and I said, ‘You really want to give personal time.'”

He got to work. “We cleared every one individuals and, surprisingly, emptied a third block since it was so near the subsequent one,” Mahmoud says.

As of now al-Zahra was generally in murkiness. Occupants say power had gone and they were involving telephones and lights for light as they filled the roads. Had opportunity and energy to get pre-gathered packs as they left their homes, with things like extra dress, water, telephones and medical aid units. Really others didn’t.

“It was outright ghastliness,” one inhabitant, Abdullah al-Khatib, says. “We didn’t have the foggiest idea where to go. We in a real sense just ran out, taking nothing.”

“Can’t see plainly. Simply clear,” one more says by WhatsApp message, reviewing the occasions of that evening. “I simply center around being protected with family.”


Mahmoud kept attempting to purchase as much time as possible, conversing with the one who called himself Daoud until everybody was clear of the area and had the option to get into their vehicles to drive away.

Three structures were annihilated. As Mahmoud watched the annihilation, the man on the telephone said three additional structures would be bombarded and afterward the inhabitants would be permitted to return.

Be that as it may, a difference in orders came unexpectedly.

They would bomb the full column of loft blocks on the eastern side of the road, Mahmoud was told.

This was in excess of 20 pinnacle blocks, and many homes.

“There were individuals we hadn’t cleared at this point since there was no advance notice about those structures. I told him, ‘Basically give us until morning, in evening time, where will individuals go?’

“The response was, ‘The orders have been gotten, and we will bomb all pinnacles in two hours or less.'”

Mahmoud shouted at individuals to clear the region, running from one block to another.

Occupants portray tumultuous scenes of grown-ups yelling and youngsters sobbing. A few guardians and youngsters lost each other in the scuffle.

Regardless of the frenzy, Mahmoud remained on the telephone the entire time, making an honest effort to postpone the bombarding.

The voice on the opposite finish of the telephone proceeded, without feeling.

“He even told me, ‘Take as much time as is needed. I won’t bomb except if you give me authorization.’

“I said ‘No, it’s not my authorization. I don’t maintain that you should bomb anything. On the off chance that you believe I should empty, I will clear for the wellbeing of individuals, however if you need to bomb, don’t let me know you want my consent.

“‘It’s not Mahmoud Shaheen who will bomb al-Zahra.'”

An older handicapped lady lived in the last block of high rises. Mahmoud and people around him told local people to “make like there’s no tomorrow” to contact her and get her out.

He and others likewise stressed over a neighborhood older consideration home. Yet, the man on the telephone said “he’d simply obliterate the private structures”, as indicated by Mahmoud.

Mahmoud expresses out loud whatever he and his neighbors saw that evening “was certainly not a little bombarding” yet the “complete obliteration of structures”, as the private blocks were evened out individually.

“It was an exceptionally hard night for every one individuals of al-Zahra.”

Photographs and video film posted by inhabitants of the local area show the result of the night besieging.

A post on the Facebook bunch at 21:11 nearby time says: “Al-Zahra towers are being bombarded at this moment. God show kindness.”

One occupant addressing the BBC by means of WhatsApp message reviewed the disarray in the roads. “We didn’t have the foggiest idea where we ought to go – a few said we should go to schools, a few said we ought to go to Al Nuseirat [a outcast camp south of the neighbourhood]. During that [time] came horrible bombs.”

Mahmoud asked the man on the telephone where he ought to take his neighbors.

“He said, ‘Either take them east or west’. I said, ‘To take them east will be hard, in light of the fact that toward the east of al-Zahra is Al Mughraqa – a generally dangerous region. Individuals were at that point frightened to go there.’

“He told me, ‘Take them west to Palestine Road’. I recommended the College of Palestine and he said OK.”

Mahmoud drove the group, which included occupants of the pinnacle blocks, yet additionally other uprooted individuals who had looked for cover in al-Zahra in the wake of escaping their own homes somewhere else in northern Gaza.

Different occupants have affirmed that they went to the college, and a video posted on the Facebook bunch shows individuals strolling and driving that way, as the individual behind the camera supplicates.


Mahmoud hangs up – yet a neighbor’s telephone rings

Mahmoud says individuals held up at the college in dread, paying attention to the drumming of blasts outside. Terrified canines in the road attempted to track down a spot to rests among ladies and youngsters.

At a certain point, Mahmoud says the voice on the telephone asked him how much battery he had left. He had 15%. They advised him to hang up to save it and that they would get back to once more.

Regular calls followed.

“They would ring to tell me, ‘Presently we will bomb another structure,’ ‘Presently we will bomb another.’ They said, ‘We will continue to call until we finish,'” Mahmoud says.

At a certain point a neighbor’s telephone rang, with the voice requesting Mahmoud Shaheen.

Mahmoud had been staying away from his significant other and five kids the entire day – both on the grounds that he was in the middle of clearing individuals and on the grounds that he expected that his contact with Israeli knowledge made him an objective.

At the college, he checked they were alright, and afterward left them once more.

The inhabitants of al-Zahra persevered through a restless evening. The group sought Mahmoud for updates and replies.

“[They were] saying ‘Hello specialist, did they call you so we can return? Did they let you know where they will hit?'”

Day break broke. A post on the local area Facebook bunch at 08:53 nearby time said: “The besieging is as yet happening up to this second.”

Recordings shared for the time being caught glimmers of orange in the night sky. Others shot in the first part of the day show crest of dim smoke ascending with the sun over the city.

Mahmoud and the one who called himself Daoud continued to talk until the roads went calm. Then, at that point, the calls unexpectedly halted with no further directions for individuals of al-Zahra.

“They didn’t advise us to return to our homes, or to empty or leave the region. So individuals held on until early afternoon, and afterward they began to move,” Mahmoud says.

In the hours and days that followed, the local area of al-Zahra, in the same way as other in Gaza, disbanded.

“In any event, for individuals whose homes were all the while remaining, there are no administrations left… the sewage frameworks are harmed, there is no pastry shop, there is no store, there is no water, no power,” Mahmoud says.

Mahmoud’s block was not annihilated, despite the fact that it was seriously harmed. The local where he developed his dental practice more than 15 years, and turned into a key part of the local area, is presently gone. Nothing remains for him in al-Zahra.

He has taken his family to one more district of Gaza, where he is remaining in a companion’s home that is packed with individuals.

“I don’t contemplate my facility or my home, I simply ask that I make due and remain alive,” he says.

“Material things aren’t anything, you could bite the dust at any second at the present time. We don’t ponder anything more.”

Israel is known to have cautioned Gazans by calling them, messaging them and dropping flyers prior to besieging. However, now and again, regular people say they have not been cautioned early.

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