Hollywood’s A-List Secrets Unveiled: Nicole Kidman, Scarlett Johansson, and More Share Surprising Fears, ‘Only Scared of Birds’ Revealed!

Big names have stood up throughout the long term about their feelings of dread and fears, including Kendall Jenner and Nicole Kidman. While fearing mirrors or dry paper could appear to be odd to certain individuals, the feelings of trepidation are genuine for these famous people.

Here is a gander at certain things Hollywood stars fear.
Kendall Jenner
Kendall Jenner shared which breakfast food makes her anxious, making the morning a troublesome season of day for her.

The model composed on her now-old application in 2016: “[A]nyone who realizes me realizes that I have downright terrible trypophobia.” Trypophobia is the feeling of dread toward little openings organized in an example.

“Things that could set me off are hotcakes, honeycomb or lotus heads (terrible!). It sounds crazy yet such countless individuals really have it!” Jenner made sense of. “I couldn’t actually see little openings — it gives me the most terrible tension. Who can say for sure what’s in there???”

Different superstars, like Sarah Paulson, have likewise been open about their trypophobia, telling Graham Norton on “The Graham Norton Show” that she fears honey bees, honeycomb and wipes because of her trypophobia. She likewise let Ellen DeGeneres know that her fear was composed into “American Harrowing tale: Faction” as her personality, Partner, additionally experienced it.

Nicole Kidman
Kendall Jenner shared which breakfast food makes her apprehensive, making the morning a troublesome season of day for her.

The model composed on her now-outdated application in 2016: “[A]nyone who realizes me realizes that I have downright terrible trypophobia.” Trypophobia is the feeling of dread toward little openings organized in an example.

“Things that could set me off are flapjacks, honeycomb or lotus heads (absolutely horrible!). It sounds crazy yet such countless individuals really have it!” Jenner made sense of. “I couldn’t in fact see little openings — it gives me the most awful tension. Who can say for sure what’s in there???”

Different famous people, like Sarah Paulson, have additionally been open about their trypophobia, telling Graham Norton on “The Graham Norton Show” that she fears honey bees, honeycomb and wipes because of her trypophobia. She likewise let Ellen DeGeneres know that her fear was composed into “American Harrowing tale: Religion” as her personality, Partner, additionally experienced it.

Nicole Kidman
Butterfly season is most certainly not Nicole Kidman’s #1 season.

Kidman uncovered she’s had a feeling of dread toward butterflies since her experience growing up in Australia. She returned home to find “the greatest butterfly or moth you’d at any point seen” pausing “on [her] front entryway” after she returned home from school. To move away from them, she said she “would move over the wall, slither around to the side of the house — anything to try not to need to pass through the front entryway.”
Oprah Winfrey
News tycoon Oprah Winfrey got serious about what crawls her out the most: Gum.

During an appearance on “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert” in Walk 2018, Winfrey told Colbert she prohibited gum from her office and that “everyone at work knows” not to bite gum before her.

“It comes from my life as a youngster. I grew up poor in Mississippi, and my grandma – definitely no poetic overstatement at all – my grandma used to attempt to save gum, so she would put it on the bedpost, she would put it on the bureau,” she told Colbert. “As a kid, I used to find it, and it could rub facing me, and you understand what it resembles when you’ve removed it from your mouth, and it’s been out a long time? It’s terrible. Thus I feared it.”

While she can boycott it at work, Winfrey has found some peace with not having the option to stay away from it all over. At the point when she sees somebody biting gum somewhere else, she says her strategy for managing it is: “I overlook it. I imagine I don’t see it. I continue to move.”

Megan Fox
For Megan Fox, the hardest piece of getting another content isn’t the overwhelming errand of retaining her lines. It’s having to get it and perused it in fact.

While addressing Wonderland Magazine in September 2009, Fox conceded she fears dry bits of paper. While it might sound abnormal, there are other people who feel equivalent to her. The fear is called papyrophobia, which can appear as a feeling of dread toward contacting paper, composing on it or getting cut by it.
“I can’t bear touching papers. Anything overlaid is fine. Real dry a- – paper, I can’t contact. It gives me chill knocks. It resembles nails on a blackboard,” she told the magazine. “Or on the other hand like tissue paper, individuals can’t contact me with dry things like that. I blow up. It’s something about how dry it is that I can’t contact it. Those are my fundamental apprehensions.”

She likewise talked about her novel fear with Jimmy Fallon during an appearance on “The This evening Show with Jimmy Fallon” in September 2009. She made sense of that she keeps “some water to plunge [her] fingers in” or needs to “continue licking [her] fingers” while perusing so the pages stay wet.
Scarlett Johansson
Scarlett Johansson loves Alfred Hitchcock’s film “The Birds.”

During a meeting with Vulture in December 2011, Johansson uncovered she has a feeling of dread toward birds, which made recording “We Purchased a Zoo” particularly troublesome. One scene that highlighted a peacock was frightening to film since she “was unnerved by them” and didn’t need them to “get excessively close,” saying that “they’re like, mean.”

“I’m just frightened of birds. Something about wings and bills and the fluttering, I’m alarmed by them. That actually hasn’t disappeared. On the off chance that they’d requested that I put a bird on my shoulder I would’ve made it happen, yet it would’ve been hard,” she told the power source. “In reality, my uncle is scared of birds also, so it runs in the family.”
Pamela Anderson
Pamela Anderson don’t really like her appearance.

While talking with the Day to day Mail, the “Baywatch” entertainer once said, “I have this fear: I could do without mirrors.”
Anderson additionally uncovered that she could do without to watch anything she has acted in, saying, “I don’t watch myself on TV. In the case of anything comes on, I make them shut if off or I leave the room.”

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