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House Speaker Mike Johnson Makes Bold Endorsement: Backs Trump and Stands Firm on ‘Stolen Election’ Allegations – Exclusive Insights Unveiled!

House Speaker Mike Johnson on Tuesday embraced Donald Trump for the 2024 conservative official assignment, while shielding the previous president’s endeavors to switch his 2020 political decision misfortune to President Joe Biden.

“I’m holding nothing back for President Trump,” Johnson said on CNBC’s “Cackle Box.” “I expect he’ll be our candidate, and we need to make Biden a one-term president.”

Johnson proposed he had proactively tossed his weight behind Trump, saying, “I have embraced him earnestly.” Yet it was hazy when the Louisiana conservative had recently given Trump his authority backing.

Trump had not authoritatively embraced Johnson when he turned into the Conservative Faction’s fourth chosen one for speaker last month, in the midst of a long scramble to supplant expelled Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif.

Yet, Trump gave what he called “areas of strength for a” to “go with the main competitor, Mike Johnson, and make it happen, quick!”

Trump has overwhelmed the 2024 conservative official field, yet it is surprising for a party’s forerunner in Congress to freely embrace an up-and-comer this right off the bat in the race, before the principal essential vote has been projected.

Johnson supported Trump in 2020, and he upheld Trump’s endeavors to upset his Constituent School misfortune to Biden. Johnson drove a High Court brief endorsed by in excess of 100 other House conservatives on the side of a Texas claim that meant to limit the political decision brings about key expresses that Trump lost.
Johnson on Tuesday called himself one of the “nearest partners President Trump has in Congress.”

Gotten some information about Trump’s endeavors to challenge his misfortune in 2020 — remembering ongoing detailing for which his previous partners said Trump wanted to decline to leave his office — Johnson was faithful.

“It can’t be about characters, it must be about arrangements and standards,” Johnson said, contending that Trump’s were better than Biden’s.

Gotten some information about Trump’s regular, misleading cases that the political decision was taken through boundless extortion, Johnson said, “I trust him, I really do accept that he trusts that.”

Pushed on Trump’s proven and factual broadcasting of falsehoods and deluding explanations, Johnson said, “There are a many individuals in Washington who make statements that are not precise constantly.”

However, he kept up with that Trump’s perspectives about the 2020 political race results are “somewhere down in his heart.”

“He just felt like he was bamboozled in that political decision,” Johnson said, “and I believe that is a center conviction of his.”

Johnson added that Trump “trusts in law and order. Well, take a gander at what he did on the High Court, for instance.”

The speaker likewise got over inquiries regarding Trump’s four forthcoming lawbreaker cases, excusing them generally as politically persuaded “lawfare.”

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