Is ‘Perreo’ on the Verge of Linguistic Stardom? Puerto Rican Vernacular Battles for a Spot in the Official Spanish Lexicon!

“Perreo.” “Jurutungo.” “Güira.” “Jevo.” “Lambeojo.” “Juyilanga.”

These unmistakable Puerto Rican words — which are utilized nonchalantly and for the most part have funny undertones — are essential for an extensive rundown of terms individuals on the island are attempting to remember for the word reference of the Genuine Scholarly community Española, or Spanish Illustrious Institute, which is viewed as by quite a few people as the last judge on the utilization of the Spanish language all over the planet.

As a U.S. domain with a Spanish provincial past, Native starting points and African lineage, Puerto Rico’s dictionary has turned into a major piece of its particular social character.

That is the reason foundations like the Scholarly world Puertorriqueña de la Lengua Española, or the Puerto Rican Institute of the Spanish Language, advance the safeguarding and investigation of Puerto Rican Spanish on the island. As a component of this work, they have driven the charge in ensuring that Puerto Rican words are perceived by the Genuine Scholarly world Española.

Spanish words with Native impact, for example, “güira” (simple thing) and with African impact, for example, “jurutungo” (a remote spot) are proof of Puerto Rico’s previous history.

Different terms, as “perreo,” the name of the dance performed to the musicality of the now universally famous Latin metropolitan sort reggaeton, which has profound roots in Puerto Rico, answer the island’s later history.

A mix of this multitude of impacts have made particular terms utilized by ages of islanders and U.S.- based Puerto Ricans, for example, “jevo” (love interest), “juyilanga” (a break) and even “lambeojo” (which in a real sense signifies “eye licker,” however its importance is like the expression “kiss ass”).
Beginning around 2021, the Scholarly community Puertorriqueña de la Lengua Española has submitted many Puerto Rican Spanish terms, for example, the ones previously referenced to the Genuine Scholarly community Española for thought. Different terms that might stand apart are “jumeta” (drunkness), “jampearse” (voraciously consume food) and “mofongo” (one of the island’s unmistakable dishes, made of crushed green plantains).

Be that as it may, getting the Genuine Scholarly community Española to formally acknowledge them is a seriously troublesome undertaking.

With each word proposed, specialists should incorporate adequate proof and records showing the term’s far reaching use, as well as a short definition in view of lexicographic rules. The Genuine Scholarly community Española then, at that point, examines the data and makes an assurance.

Of the many Puerto Rican terms shipped off the Genuine Scholarly community Española last year, the meanings of around 70 were acknowledged, as per María Inés Castro Ferrer, scholastic secretary of the Scholarly world Puertorriqueña de la Lengua Española.

“It is vital that we are addressed, on the grounds that we are Spanish speakers and we are good examples,” she as of late told the Puerto Rican public paper El Nuevo Día in Spanish. “We have figured out how to keep a language notwithstanding philosophies and strategies to supplant one language with another.”

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