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Jennifer Garner’s Comic-Con Adventure: Getting Stuck in an Elevator and Waiting for a Hero

A still-smiling Jennifer Garner turned an unexpected situation into a Comic-Con moment that lightened up the mood with a dosage of trademark optimism.

The Elevator Mishap:

She appeared at this year’s Comic-Con, held at the Hard Rock Hotel in San Diego, California, to tout the upcoming “Deadpool & Wolverine” film, in which she will reprise one of her most famous roles: Elektra. As she was getting ready to appear for a panel discussion with fellow costars, Garner and a few other guests became trapped in an elevator.

The Social Media Update:

Taking it all in stride, Garner took to social media to share her experience. Her posts were captioned light-heartedly, with one reading, “Baby’s first Comic Con: a short story.”

High-lights of Garner’s Social Media Posts:

Rescue and Response:

After about 40 minutes since they were trapped, Garner and everyone else within the elevator remained in good spirits. A bit flustered but still filled with her lust for life and sense of humor, it showed on her face. That was when they called 911 that it became serious. Fortunately, first responders arrived after an hour and 12 minutes and opened the elevator doors. When it opened, Garner and others have been met with an applause upon exit.

Success at Comic-Con Panel:

Notwithstanding the delay, Garner made it to her scheduled panel discussion where she kept smiling all through the event. She could be light, cheerful, and positive, which definitely puts across one of the better sides of her personality.

A True Marvel of Positivity:

Jennifer Garner’s case at Comic-Con proved she can smile, even if everything goes wrong. Having a good attitude when presented with something as terrible as getting locked up in an elevator keeps one reminded of the power of positivity and how it can turn potentially stressful moments into really memorable and inspiring ones.


Jennifer Garner’s knack for finding humor in adversity and her very optimistic outlook really make her one of the most remarkable women in the entertainment industry. If there were a Marvel character whose superpower was pure optimism, it would sure be none other than Garner herself.


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