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Levin: The left’s unrelenting assault on Trump, with regard to precedents and presidents

Although no one has been accused of insurrection in relation to January 6, the Democratic Party keeps fabricating unfounded accusations against the former president, Donald Trump.


Other former presidents have also done a number of things that are worth considering from a criminal perspective.


“Imagine if a president issued an order to kill an American citizen abroad or to kill individuals he thought to be terrorists, only to end up killing, say, a sixteen-year-old American citizen or a teenager—possibly the son of one of these terrorists who hasn’t actually committed a terrorist act,” Mark Levin asks.


“Guys, is that criminal?” Adding, “Well, that’s what Obama did,” Levin queries.

Therefore, I would like to know if Obama should have been charged with a crime for having knowledge that, in the process of trying to remove his father, he might kill an innocent American citizen. He continues.


This is not conjectural. In actuality, the American Civil Liberties Union filed a lawsuit against the Obama administration in federal court.


But the court took no action.


Levin says, “It sidestepped; that’s what they do for Obama and Biden and people like them.”


Nor is Joe Biden a victim.


“Can individuals who have literally lost family members as a result of Joe Biden’s decision file a lawsuit against him for breaking our immigration laws? Can he be used for the deaths of Americans at the border, the rapes that occur there, or the killings of Americans by illegal aliens in the nation?


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