Linda Evangelista’s Love Freeze: Why the Supermodel Swears Off Dating Since CoolSculpting Shock – Exclusive Interview Inside!

Dating is off the table for Linda Evangelista.

The supermodel, 58, told The Sunday Times that she was essentially “not intrigued” in chasing after a close connection, and her last date was “most certainly before the CoolSculpting” methods, which started in August 2015 through February 2016.

“I would rather not lay down with anyone any longer,” Evangelista added. “I would rather not hear someone relaxing.”
Evangelista documented a claim in September 2021 against CoolSculpting’s guardian organization, Zeltiq Style Inc., for $50 million in punitive fees.

She asserted that she was “severely distorted” and had been not able to work following the rounds of “bad dream” methodology which started in August 2015 through February 2016.

Linda Evangelista is “not interested” in dating post CoolSculpting. (Andrew Renault)

“To my supporters who have asked why I have not been working while my companions’ professions have been flourishing, the explanation is that I was severely deformed by Zeltiq’s CoolSculpting system which did something contrary to what it guaranteed,” she composed on Instagram at that point.
The FDA-cleared “fat freezing” strategy has become well known as a painless option in contrast to liposuction.
Evangelista said she was analyzed perplexing fat hyperplasia (PAH), an uncommon secondary effect that influences short of what one percent of CoolSculpting patients in which the freezing system makes the impacted greasy tissue thicken and extend.
It’s hazy what Evangelista got in the July 2022 settlement, or the terms haggled between one or the other party.

In her most recent meeting, Linda depicted herself as a “germophobe” with “self-analyzed OCD.”

At the point when asked what she finds in the mirror, Evangelista answered, “Goodness, I don’t search in the mirror. My child will tell me here and there, ‘You should realize that you have a pimple on your jaw.’ And I’m like, what? Yet, life is better without mirrors.”

Evangelista shares one child, Augustin James, with French financial specialist François-Henri Pinault.

Evangelista said she hides from mirrors following the CoolSculpting incident. (WWD)

“Parenthood is for what seems like forever now,” she said during a meeting with Harper’s Market in 2013. “It’s awesome. I am so satisfied.”
Evangelista, who has endure two malignant growth fights, conceded that treatment has assisted her with recuperating a few injuries in any event.

“All things considered, I don’t fault myself any longer. I’m not hard on myself any longer,” Evangelista said. “What’s more, how individuals feel about me actually irritates me a smidgen, yet it used to annoy me a ton. I know now that I did nothing off-base. For the most significant length of time I figured I did.

“I’m not totally freed of it, yet I take a stab at disposing of the culpability and the disgrace. What’s more, I’m not allowing it to demolish my life. I could not have possibly remained secured assuming that I’d known the number of individuals that minded.”

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