Maduro Declared Winner in Controversial Venezuelan Election

Partial results announced by the National Electoral Council, CNE, have confirmed President Nicolás Maduro as the winner in a highly disputed presidential election. According to the head of the CNE, Elvis Amoroso—widely reported as a close ally of Maduro’s—with 80% of the votes counted, Maduro had polled 51.2%, while his main opponent, Edmundo González, had 44.2%.

Opposition Cries Foul:

The opposition of Venezuela has strongly alleged wide-scale fraud in the counting process and is ready to fight the results. United under González’s leadership, the opposition had hoped for an end to Maduro’s 11-year tenure in office. Thousands of opposition witnesses were positioned at polling stations across the country to monitor the vote count. However, an opposition spokeswoman said many of their witnesses were “forced to leave” several polling stations.

Voter Vigil and Suspicion:

In the crucial hours after voting centers closed, opposition leaders urged supporters to closely watch vote-counting houses, wary of government trickery. Opinion polls had given González a double-digit lead over Maduro, raising expectations of an end to 25 years of control by the PSUV. It won its first presidential election under late President Hugo Chávez and has remained in power with Maduro at its head since Chávez died in 2013.

Electoral Integrity in Question:

The last election in 2018 was largely criticized as not free or fair, which gave an intuition that this election may also be marred by irregularities. These apprehensions were further compounded when Maduro declared that he would win the election “by hook or by crook.” Opposition had, however, been optimistic that a huge voter turnout would deter the government from rigging the election.

Electronic Voting System Under Scrutiny:

Venezuela’s electronic voting system has voters choose their preferred candidate on a voting machine, which sends the results to the CNE headquarters and prints a paper receipt placed in a ballot box. Under the law, party representatives are allowed to witness the counting of those paper receipts at polling stations. They reported that less than a third of these printed receipts were made available to them. This lessened their ability to verify the results announced by the CNE.

Future Implications:

This victory by Maduro has been marred by accusations of fraud and voter intimidation. The event casts a shadow over the future of democracy in Venezuela to many. The opposition claims irregularities, with their own witnesses not involved in the counting of votes process, to illegalize electoral integrity. Already troubled by economic and political troubles, the contested election results may boost the already volatile situation and call for international scrutiny with potential sanctions.


Such a result of the presidential election reflects deep fissures in the country and poses a really big challenge ahead. The announcement that Maduro has won the election became known, but the opposition claimed so itself, with reported irregularities in the process that make urgent electoral reforms and increased transparency to restore public trust in democratic institutions in Venezuela.

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