NASA Unveils Jaw-Dropping 51-Year-Old Photo, Capturing Iconic US Flag Against Earth’s Mesmerizing Backdrop!

The pic of the US banner on the Moon with Earth behind the scenes was required a long time back by Eugene A. Cernan or Harrison H. Schmitt during the Apollo Mission.
“Point of view is everything,” composed NASA Artemis on Instagram while sharing an image required a long time back by a space explorer. It shows the US banner conveyed on the outer layer of the Moon. Likewise, the Earth is noticeable somewhere far off looking like a sickle.

NASA Artemis further shared that the banner was sent in EVA-1 by the team on the Apollo Mission. The association added, “The lunar module team burned through 75 hours on the lunar surface, sending a US banner right off the bat in EVA-1 — their central goal’s most memorable stroll on the Moon. This specific banner had flown in the Mission Tasks Control Room (MOCR) in Houston during Apollo and was discernibly bigger than the banners sent on the past missions.⁣”
“Six US banners altogether were established on the lunar surface, one during every Apollo mission,” they shared.

As indicated by NASA Artemis, the banners conveyed on the outer layer of the Moon never again exist on the lunar surface. Notwithstanding, the flagpoles were all the while standing and creating shaded areas in the photos required many years after the fact by the Lunar Surveillance Orbiter. “Specialists accept it’s exceptionally far-fetched the Apollo banners might have gotten through the times of openness to vacuum, temperature swings from 242 °F (117 °C) during the day to – 280 °F (- 173 °C) during the evening, micrometeorites, radiation, and bright light,” the association further added.
A picture portrayal shared by NASA Artemis makes reference to that the US banner was conveyed on the Moon at the Taurus-Littrow landing site by the crew members of the Apollo 17 lunar landing mission. The lunar element in the close to foundation is South Massif, and Eugene A. Cernan or Harrison H. Schmitt took this picture.⁣

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