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Possible Running Mates for Kamala Harris

As the political world slowly turns, so does the talk about who may run alongside Kamala Harris. Though it is only conjecture that she herself may run for president, let’s see who may get the nod. Some prominent figures are as follows:

Pete Buttigieg



 Stacey Abrams

Possible Negatives:

 Elizabeth Warren

Possible Negatives:

 Cory Booker



The running mate is typically more of a political choice and many times ends up making or breaking an election. Any of these likely candidates has particular strengths that could fit in special ways with a Kamala Harris candidacy: whether it’s experience, policy heft, or an inspirational appeal to voters, a running mate who has the right stuff will greatly enhance her chances of winning. It will be fascinating to listen and absorb as the political landscape takes its form and to know who eventually rises to the top as the best contender to pair with her on the ticket.

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