Putin’s Surprising Admission and EU’s Bold Move: Russia-Ukraine Crisis Unfolds in Real-Time, Click for the Latest Updates!

Russian President Vladimir Putin said Sunday that Moscow cared very little about battling NATO, taking note of rather that he was keen on “creating relations” with the tactical collusion.

In a meeting with state Telecom company Rossiya 24, Putin excused remarks by U.S. President Joe Biden, who said recently that Russia would go after a NATO country assuming it won the conflict in Ukraine, as per Tass news organization.

Biden’s case frames part of his enticement for conservatives not to hinder further military guide to Ukraine.

European Association pioneers said Friday that they were sure that they would likewise pass a huge bundle of help for the conflict torn country in mid 2024, notwithstanding pushback from Hungary’s Top state leader Viktor Orban.

Interim, the EU on Monday is expected to take on a long-deferred twelfth bundle of assents against Russia after Austria eliminated its protests.

The bundle will remember a boycott for Russian jewels and aluminum, as well as a fixing of the cost cap on Russian oil.

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