Secret Bunkers Beneath Al-Shifa Hospital: Explosive Revelation by Former Israeli PM Unveils Shocking Tactics in Israel-Hamas Conflict

Previous Israeli Head of the state Ehud Barak said that Israel built shelters underneath the Al-Shifa clinic in the Gaza Strip a very long time earlier, when his nation involved the territory.

Asked by CNN’s Christiane Amanpour whether Israel had given adequate evidence that a Hamas war room existed inside or underneath the clinical complex, Barak said, “It’s as of now known for the majority years that they have, in the dugouts, that initially was worked by Israeli constructors under Shifa, [that the bunkers] were utilized as a garrison of the Hamas and a sort of intersection of a few passages, part of this framework.”

He added, “I don’t be aware to tell what degree it is a significant [Hamas officer center]. It’s presumably by all accounts not the only sort of garrison, there are others under different clinics or in other delicate spots. Yet, it’s without a doubt [it] has been utilized by… by Hamas, in any event, during this contention. ”

Found out if he had misspoken by crediting the development to Israeli specialists, Barak said, “No, no, some, you know, many years prior, we were running the spot so we helped them. It was many years. Quite a while back, perhaps five, forty years prior, that we assisted them with building these shelters to empower more space for the activity of the clinic inside the extremely restricted size of this compound.”

Israeli military has refered to a potential Hamas garrison sitting underneath or inside Al-Shifa as its justification for striking the clinical office and has met global strain to demonstrate its suspicion. The Israel Safeguard Powers have delivered film showing claimed burrows in the vicinity of Al-Shifa, refering to them as revelations that demonstrated the presence of Hamas at the clinic.

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