Shocking DOJ Announcement Exposes Alleged Russian War Crimes in Ukraine Invasion – Four Soldiers Charged! Unraveling the Shocking Details Inside.

WASHINGTON — The Equity Division has accused four Russian troopers of war violations regarding the attack of Ukraine.

Suren Seiranovich Mkrtchyan, Dmitry Budnik and two others whose last names are obscure — who have the principal names of Valerii and Nazar — are charged “regarding their unlawful confinement of a U.S. public with regards to the outfitted struggle among Russia and Ukraine,” DOJ said.

The prosecution, returned in the Eastern Region of Virginia, charges that the four cross examined, beat and tormented an American casualty, taking steps to kill him in a counterfeit execution.
After the fake execution, the person in question “had to perform difficult work, for example, digging channels, for the Russian Military and additionally [Donetsk Individuals’ Republic] military units,” the prosecution says.

The American, distinguished exclusively as “V-1” in the prosecution, was not engaged with the Russia-Ukraine struggle, as per DOJ. He was residing in Mylove, a little town in southern Ukraine, and was seized from his home by Russian officers, the prosecution says.

“As the world has seen the revulsions of Russia’s severe attack of Ukraine, so has the US Division of Equity,” Head legal officer Merrick Laurel said. “To that end the Equity Office has recorded the very first charges under the U.S. atrocities rule against four Russia-associated military staff for shocking wrongdoings against an American resident. The Equity Division will work however long it takes to seek after responsibility and equity for Russia’s conflict of hostility.”
Mkrtchyan, Budnik and the two other Russian troopers are accused of four counts: intrigue to carry out atrocities and three atrocities (unlawful repression of a safeguarded individual, cruel treatment and torment).

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