Washington D.C. – A United Airlines flight was diverted to Washington Dulles International Airport yesterday after a biohazard incident occurred on board, causing crew members to vomit.

The flight, UA2477, was headed to Boston from Houston when a passenger fell ill, leading to a biohazard situation. The aircraft was diverted to Washington Dulles International Airport, where it underwent a deep clean before continuing its journey to Boston.

According to reports, none of the 155 passengers and six crew members required medical assistance. However, the incident raised concerns about the safety and health protocols in place on commercial flights.


“We take the safety and well-being of our passengers and crew very seriously,” said a United Airlines spokesperson. “We are investigating the incident and working to ensure that all necessary protocols were followed.”

The incident has sparked debate about the need for enhanced biohazard protocols on commercial flights, particularly in light of recent global health concerns.


The incident has raised concerns among passengers and crew members about the safety and health protocols in place on commercial flights.

“This incident highlights the need for enhanced biohazard protocols on commercial flights,” said a passenger who wished to remain anonymous. “We need to ensure that we are protected from potential health risks when we fly.”

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has launched an investigation into the incident and is working with United Airlines to determine the cause of the biohazard incident.


The FAA has launched an investigation into the incident and is working with United Airlines to determine the cause of the biohazard incident.

“We take all incidents seriously and are working to determine the cause of the biohazard incident,” said an FAA spokesperson. “We will take appropriate action to ensure that all necessary protocols are in place to protect passengers and crew members.”

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