US extends till May 31 tariff exclusions on a few Chinese products.

Reuters, WASHINGTON -A new extension of the China “Section 301” duty exclusions on 352 Chinese imports and 77 COVID-19-related categories until May 31, 2024 was announced on Tuesday by the office of U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai.


The trade sanctions against China were imposed in 2018 and 2019 by the administration of former President Donald Trump under Section 301 of the Trade Act of 1974, a law designed to stop unfair trade practices by trading partners.

Bicycles, vacuum cleaners, various auto parts and chemicals, industrial components including electric motors and pumps, and vacuum cleaners are all excluded from import tariffs. Medical supplies such as face masks, examination gloves, and hand sanitizing wipes are excluded from the COVID-19 list.


The prior expiration date of the exclusions was set for December 31. According to a statement from Tai’s office, the postponement until May 31 will allow for additional consideration under a legally required four-year review.


Citing security concerns, U.S. President Joe Biden implemented new limitations that forbid the export of advanced semiconductors and the equipment needed to create them, while also maintaining additional tariffs that were imposed on a variety of Chinese goods during the previous Trump administration.

In 2018 and 2019, Trump levied tariffs worth over $370 billion on thousands of Chinese goods. This was in response to an inquiry conducted under “Section 301” that revealed China was misappropriating American intellectual property and forcing American businesses to relinquish critical technology in order to conduct business.

China has denounced U.S. taxes on imports from China as “discriminatory.”

The current difficulties in U.S.-China relations are not limited to tariffs. Human rights, Taiwan, charges of surveillance, and the cause of the COVID-19 pandemic are among the other hotly debated topics.

According to the Chinese finance ministry, China also extended duty exemptions for a few US imports last week, through July 31, 2024.

(Kanshika Singh reported from Washington; Maria Ponnezhath provided additional reporting.)

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