Vivek Ramaswamy’s Explosive ‘Nazi’ Allegation Against Ukrainian President Zelenskyy

Vivek Ramaswamy hammered Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in rankling comments at Wednesday’s conservative official discussion, making a Nazi reference and considering Zelenskyy a “comic in freight pants.”

During a trade about whether he would uphold sending extra help to Ukraine, Ramaswamy, a forceful pundit of U.S. help in the conflict among Ukraine and Russia, said he was “totally unpersuaded” by Zelenskyy’s calls for more assistance, before he sent off into a pointedly phrased attack against Zelenskyy and his administration.

“Ukraine isn’t a paragon of a majority rules government,” Ramaswamy said. “It has compromised not to hold decisions this year except if the U.S. coughs up more cash. That isn’t vote based.”

“It has commended a Nazi in its positions, the humorist in freight pants, the man referred to Zelenskyy, doing it in their own positions as” Ramaswamy proceeded. “That isn’t vote based.”
Crusade representative Tricia McLaughlin told NBC News that Ramaswamy had not referred to Zelenskyy a “Nazi as” and that his comments were regarding an occurrence in September in Canada, when the country’s parliament held a festival of a Ukrainian Canadian veteran who was subsequently found to have served in a Nazi-adjusted military unit.

Zelenskyy was at the festival, which occurred before the disclosure, and he participated in a wildly energetic applause respecting the man. McLaughlin said Ramaswamy had been alluding to Zelenskyy’s cooperation in the festival.
“Vivek makes dubious declarations constantly,” McLaughlin said. “This one is simply false.”

A second sooner, Ramaswamy promoted his own situation against aiding Ukraine in its conflict, saying he was “really getting a charge out of watching the Ukraine peddles discreetly, carefully pussyfoot back from their situation as this thing has loosened up into a debacle.”

Ramaswamy has been a resolute pundit of U.S. contribution in the conflict in Ukraine, and he talked about it more Wednesday night as the discussion zeroed in vigorously on international strategy.

Zelenskyy, who is Jewish, has said his incredible grandparents were killed when the Nazis set their town ablaze during The Second Great War.

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