Beyoncé’s Mom Breaks Silence: Tina Knowles Sets the Record Straight on Skin Bleaching Allegations Amidst ‘Renaissance’ Premiere Controversy!

Tina Knowles is shielding her girl, Beyoncé, in the midst of charges that she brightened her skin.

The style originator tended to remarks about her little girl’s appearance at the debut of “Renaissance: A Film by Beyoncé” with a post shared on her Instagram page.

On Nov. 25, Beyoncé showed up in front of the screening of her film on a “chrome cover” wearing silver and with bleach light hair. Not long after photographs from the occasion started to surface, clients via virtual entertainment started to blame the vocalist for easing up her skin.

Knowles bludgeoned the allegations with her post shared on Instagram on Nov. 28, which incorporated an extended inscription that blamed clients and media for sustaining bigotry, sexism and twofold principles.
“Went over this today and chose to post it subsequent to seeing the entirety of the dumb oblivious self, despising bigoted proclamations about her, easing up her skin, and wearing platinum hair needing to be white,” Knowles composed at the highest point of her post.

The post included a video gathering of Beyoncé and begun with a still photograph of the vocalist’s silver appearance at the debut of “Renaissance: A Film by Beyoncé.” Statements from clients online then show up over the picture, with some platitude, “She’s white now?” and “She brightens her skin!”

In her post, the vocalist’s mom proceeded to recap how the subject of her girl’s debut was silver and that visitors were urged to wear silver clothing.

“What’s more, you bozos conclude that she’s attempting to be a white lady and is fading her skin?” Knowles’ post proceeded. “How miserable is it that her very own portion individuals proceed with the moronic account with disdain and desire. Duh, she wore silver hair to match her silver dress as a design statement…”

Knowles’ post went on with claims that a white lady from one news source contacted Beyoncé’s hair specialist for an assertion about how the vocalist “needs to be white.”

“Well that made, my blood heat up, that this white lady felt so qualified for talk about her darkness,” she went on prior to communicating her mistake in individuals from the African American population who she asserted had transferred such opinions via virtual entertainment.
“Lying and faking and behaving like you’re oblivious to such an extent that you don’t comprehend That people of color have worn platinum hair since the Etta James days,” she composed, alluding to the Dark artist who became popular during the 1950s.

“I recently proceeded to take a gander at every one of the wonderful capable dark big names who have worn platinum hair and it has been just about everybody of them all at once or another,” Knowles’ post proceeded. “Could it be said that they are attempting to be white?”

Knowles then communicated that she was “weary of individuals going after” her girl.

“Each time she accomplishes something that she works her a- – off for and is an assertion of her hard working attitude, ability and versatility,” she proceeded. “Here you miserable little skeptics come out the woodwork. Desire and prejudice, sexism, twofold norms, you propagate those things. Rather than praising a sister or simply overlooking on the off chance that you could do without her.”

“I’m tired of you failures,” she wrapped up. “I realize that she will be pissed at me for doing this, yet I’m exhausted! This young lady stays out of other people’s affairs. She helps individuals at whatever point she can. She lifts up and advances people of color and longshots consistently.”

Variety inclination, known as “colorism,” is the idea that lighter-cleaned minorities have a larger number of honors than those with hazier skin. In 2021, Latinos in a Seat Exploration Center survey said that their hazier skin variety affected their regular routines and made them experience more segregation than the people who had lighter skin. A 2016 article distributed by the Public Library of Medication refered to the act of skin brightening as a “worldwide concern” discernible to European colonization.

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