People were disturbed by Reese Witherspoon eating snow. She wants to say something.

CNN – Some individuals were left feeling chilly after Reese Witherspoon made a cocktail with snow.

In a recent TikTok video, the star of “The Morning Show” enjoyed playing with some freshly fallen snow.

In the video, snow was removed from an automobile using two cups. Then, Witherspoon talks about combining some cold brew, salted caramel, and chocolate syrups with the snow “just to have a yummy coffee flavor.”

“Snow days were made for chococinnos,” Witherspoon wrote as the caption for her Instagram photo, praising the recipe’s taste.

Opinionated as the internet is, a number of commenters voiced their misgivings.

One individual said, “No no no.. snow is not made to eat.. u can get seriously sick.”

“Is it possible to put snow in a clear cup and allow it to melt?” inquired another. I simply want to check to see if eating is safe first.

Witherspoon did just that in a follow-up video, to the dismay of a great number of people. After gathering snow from her garden and melting it in her microwave, the water turned clear.

Is it possible to put snow in clear cup and allow it to melt?” inquired another. simply want to check to see if eating is safe first. Witherspoon did just that in follow-up video, to the dismay of great number of people. After gathering snow from her garden and melting it in her microwave, the water turned clear.

“Is this bad?” she chuckled and questioned. Is it improper for me to consume snow?

The producer and actress from “Morning Show” didn’t end there.

In response to some of the issues, she produced two new videos.

In a subsequent video, Witherspoon stated, “Okay, so we’re kind of in the category of, like, you only live once.” Maybe once a year, it snows in this area. I’m not sure. I should also mention that it was very tasty. It was excellence.

The “Morning Show” actress and producer didn’t stop there.

She made two more videos addressing some of the concerns.

“Ok, so we’re kind of in the category of, like, you only live once,” Witherspoon said in a followup video. “It snows maybe once a year here. I don’t know. Also, I want to say something: it was delicious. It was so good.”

In another video, she noted that not all the water she’s consumed during her life has been filtered.

The producer and actress from “Morning Show” didn’t end there. In response to some of the issues, she produced two new videos. In subsequent video, Witherspoon stated, “Okay, so we’re kind of in the category of, like, you only live once.” Maybe once year, it snows in this area. I’m not sure. should also mention that it was very tasty. It was excellent.

She mentioned in a another video that not all of the water she has ever drunk has been purified.

We drank straight from the faucet,” she related her early years. We genuinely touched the faucet with our tongues. Afterwards, on hot summer days, we would occasionally drink from a hose. similar to how we mouth the hose.

We drank straight from the faucet,” she related her early years. We genuinely touched the faucet with our tongues. Afterwards, on hot summer days, we would occasionally drink from hose. similar to how we mouth the hose.

“Maybe that’s why I’m like this,” Witherspoon jokingly said.

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