Possible Running Mates for Kamala Harris

As the political world slowly turns, so does the talk about who may run alongside Kamala Harris. Though it is only conjecture that she herself may run for president, let’s see who may get the nod. Some prominent figures are as follows:

Pete Buttigieg

  • Experience: Current Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg has experience as a Mayor and under the Biden administration, therefore understands federal governance
  • Youth and Energy: Buttigieg, who is 42 years old, presents youthful energy to the campaign making it more appealing to young people
  • Veteran Status: He was a Navy intelligence officer and therefore has a bit of a background that is character-building and gives a sense of patriotism and discipline 



  • Limited National Experience: While he has extensive experience, Buttigieg’s major national experience was serving in the Biden administration and running, as a candidate, for president in 2020.

 Stacey Abrams

  • Voter Advocacy: Stacey Abrams is known for connecting voter registration and voter turnout, particularly in the state of Georgia, in which demonstrated to be highly influential in the 2020 elections.
  • Demographic Representation: A black woman, she represents an important constituency base of the Democratic Party. This could bode well for mobilizing an even greater share of voters among African Americans and women.
  • Policy Emphasis: Abrams has been a strong voice for health care, education, and voting rights—all issues that dovetail very nicely with popular Democratic priorities.

Possible Negatives:

  • Electoral Experience: With the influence of a heavy hand, Abrams has never held any statewide or national office. This could be problematic for some voters, who will be looking toward more experienced candidates.

 Elizabeth Warren

  • Policy Expertise: Senator Elizabeth Warren has carved a niche in meticulously worked-out policy proposals and a very deep understanding of economic issues. This would thus make her a very good candidate to talk about economics.
  • Progressive Appeal: Warren’s progressive appeal could be exactly what the left wing of the Democratic Party needs to become energized for this election.
  • Experience: She has served in the Senate for years and has been teaching at Harvard for years, too, giving her tremendous knowledge and years of experience within the legislature.

Possible Negatives:

  • Age: Her age, 74, will cause some concern among voters, especially when paired with the young Harris.
  • Polarizing Figure: Warren is very liberal and might drive independents and centrists away.

 Cory Booker

  • Senatorial Experience: Serving as a US Senator for New Jersey, Cory Booker is equipped with a healthy experience in legislation and has evidenced several bipartisan efforts.
  • Inspirational Leader: Apart from being an orator and having a message to uplift spirits, Booker can well be applied to inspire and unify voters.
  • Focus On Justice:  The campaigning on criminal reform reflects and is driven by a surge in demand for the campaign to rectify systemic inequalities.


  • Campaign Performance: Booker’s 2019 campaign for the presidency never quite got off the ground, and this can be used as a case study for those who still have doubts about his national viability. 
  • Political Positioning: He can be seen, in the worst light, as ultra-liberal for many centrists and too centrist for far leftist voters. 


The running mate is typically more of a political choice and many times ends up making or breaking an election. Any of these likely candidates has particular strengths that could fit in special ways with a Kamala Harris candidacy: whether it’s experience, policy heft, or an inspirational appeal to voters, a running mate who has the right stuff will greatly enhance her chances of winning. It will be fascinating to listen and absorb as the political landscape takes its form and to know who eventually rises to the top as the best contender to pair with her on the ticket.

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