Trump recently disparaged the billionaire backers of Nikki Haley. She is embracing it.

How Haley raised $1 million using the most recent threat made by Trump.

Donald Trump appears to be very unhappy for someone who just won the New Hampshire primary and the Iowa caucuses. Despite the overwhelming odds, Nikki Haley is not giving up on her primary campaign, and she actually seemed very confident when she gave her speech in Manchester, New Hampshire, on Tuesday night. She reassured fans, saying, “I’m scrappy— and now we’re the last ones standing next to Donald Trump.”

Trump is unable to understand her. In every state, he is leading Hillary in the polls. Why won’t she just obey commands?

Trump is unable to understand her. In every state, he is leading Hillary in the polls. Why won’t she just obey commands?

Furthermore, he detests those who adamantly refuse to give up the stage to him, even women. One example would be Trump’s victory speech in New Hampshire, during which he introduced his former opponents Tim Scott and Vivek Ramaswamy as if they were two human trophy horses.

Haley’s decision to continue competing has further ramifications. She still has a lot of money to raise. Furthermore, I wouldn’t want to be the staff member who had to present Trump with the article “Nikki Haley slated for a dozen fundraisers before South Carolina primary — despite hit in New Hampshire” from the New York Post, which was published in his hometown. Not only has Haley refused to call off her campaign, but even after losing in New Hampshire, her largest backers are still lining up to send her money.

Thus, in true Trump style, he turned to Truth Social. He referred to her as “Birdbrain,” his new pejorative moniker, and threatened anyone who would have the audacity to keep putting money into her campaign. He stated, “From this point on, anyone who makes a ‘Contribution’ to Birdbrain will be permanently barred from the MAGA camp.” “We put America first and always will, so we don’t want them and we won’t accept them!”

The billionaires Leonard Stern, Cliff Asness, Stanley Druckenmiller, Ken Langone, and Henry Kravis of New York City—all of whom are co-hosting a fundraiser for Haley on Tuesday in New York—were presumably among Trump’s primary targets. These are the people that Trump has traditionally looked to for approval, and it is obvious that they are not interested in working with him at this time.

As a New Yorker, I find it absurd that Trump believed he could intimidate these men. Trump frequently brags about his wealth and commercial prowess, yet the tens of billions of dollars this group has amassed far exceeds his net worth. When they find the name of the former reality star etched in the grass of their

Finally, even if Trump were sincere about excluding these really important funders from his MAGA coalition—a move his campaign staff would probably consider—they would be overjoyed. What reasonable, sensible person wouldn’t be, after all?

Running a campaign takes a lot of energy. It is considerably more taxing to run for office while traveling the nation to provide defense for yourself in court.

This phony confidence, in my opinion, is just another manifestation of Trump’s annoyance and insecurity. Running a campaign takes a lot of energy. It is considerably more taxing to run for office while traveling the nation to provide defense for yourself in court. When it comes straight down to it, Trump has occasionally come across as weary and exhausted. It might be an indication of advanced age if Nancy Pelosi and Nikki Haley, or President Joe Biden and former President Barack Obama, are confused. or even a hint of something different.

Haley is one individual who appears to be quite happy with Trump’s threats. Team Haley seized the opportunity to turn late-night social media lemons into lemonade by using the Truth Social post in a fresh fundraising round. Her campaign reported that as of Thursday afternoon, she had raised more than $1 million from the remarks. She’s also selling T-shirts with his famous remark, “Barred Permanently,” printed on them.

Retaliation is best served this way, on a bed of campaign money.


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